Glass Roof Blown
Through our contract with Savills we were given the task of replacing a large glass section of a canopy, some 30 feet above the entrance to a busy department store in Dundee.
This brought the obvious Health & Safety Issues with operating a busy public area with the shop/and those around it in the Retail Park having to stay open through-out the works. This was achieved by setting up a safety cordon before the store opened which diverted all traffic and pedestrians away from the exclusion zone whilst allowing staff and customers to come and go safely.
A cherry picker and high reach fork lift machine we were used to carefully remove the ‘blown’ panel from the roof and lower it to the ground using specialised suction pads which were also used to lift the new section of glass into place. This was all achieved in the 2 hour period which we were allowed to have the cordon in place.

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